The Naked and the Deadly (2023) by Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block is a true literary legend, followed by millions of readers and the recipient of the title Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America . He has published over 100 books in a career that spans over half a century. His area of expertise is crime and he is best known for his long-running series of books focused on recovered alcoholic private investigator Matthew Scuddard. The Naked and the Deadly , a new compilation courtesy of Bob Deis and Wyatt Doyle and their Men’s Adventure Library, collects Block’s earliest work from his days as a young contributor to the sensationalistic men’s adventure magazine (MAM) market of the late 50s, 60s, and early 70s. The famous author Lawrence Block is not exactly the same Lawrence Block that is found in this robust and informative volume. Or as the back-cover blurb notes: “Not that Lawrence Block. Not yet...” ...