‘Salem’s Lot (1975) by Stephen King

I can clearly remember when my mom discovered Stephen King. She had always had a passion for a good scary read, mainly focusing on the horror books that bubbled to the surface of the mainstream in the late 60s and early 70s and ended up in our local library. She read Ira Levin’s Rosemary’s Baby , William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist , The Tribe (an underrated early breakthrough by Bari Wood), Tom Tryon's The Other plus Harvest Home , and then Carrie by Stephen King. It was when she read King’s The Shining that I recall her proclaiming that nobody had ever scared her like Stephen King could, which intrigued me. I was 15-years old in 1977 when The Shining was published, which means I was that age when I first read ‘Salem’s Lot and the prime motivator for that endeavor was because I found out it dealt with vampires. I wa...