Progeny of the Adder (1965) by Leslie H. Whitten

When I was in 8 th grade I picked up and read a book with cover art depicting a werewolf coming toward the viewer through tall grass at night. It is illuminated by a single handheld torch. As a lifelong lover of all things monster-related, my 13-year old self couldn’t resist and I bought and read the book within the span of a single week. That book was Moon of the Wolf , by Leslie H. Whitten and I immediately set about trying to locate and read anything I could by the author. The holy grail book at the time was Progeny of the Adder , which I eventually found decades later at a used book store. So, what was so special about Progeny of the Adder ? I learned that many consider it to have had a very distinct influence on Jeff Rice’s The Night Stalker , and on the surface alone, I can see merit in those claims. First published in 1965, a full 5 years before Rice wrote it and 7 years before it wou...