The Paperback Kung Fu Phenomenon: Part 3 (Movie Tie-ins)

The following column originally appeared in Justin Marriott's PAPERBACK FANATIC 49, which was published in November of 2024. You can buy a copy of it HERE . Do you remember a time just a few decades ago when it seemed like almost every even moderately popular movie or television show regardless of genre received a paperback tie-in novelization? If you’re like me (and I suspect you are), I grabbed those up whenever I saw them. Unfortunately, over time most of them ended up lost, sold, or traded. Thanks to eBay, used bookstores, and thrift/charity shops, I have successfully rebuilt much of that collection from decades ago. As my recent columns for Paperback Fanatic have clearly shown, I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with the Kung Fu/Martial Arts movie and paperback craze that ran primarily through the 70s, though some lingered into the 80s. This time around, I’d like to focus on some of the more pro...